SkinMiles blog banner Face oils and serums to see you through winter
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Face oils and serums to see you through winter

As winter sets in, it’s time to give our skin some extra love and protection! Say hello to your winter skincare heroes: face oils and serums!

Winter winds and indoor heating can leave your skin feeling dry and dehydrated. But fear not! Face oils and serums are here to save the day. They are excellent additions to your winter skincare regimen, providing nourishment, hydration, and protection.

Keep scrolling to learn more. Say goodbye to dry patches and hello to a radiant complexion!

Here are some face oils and serums suitable for winter use and why you should be using them.

Jojoba Oil:

is a lightweight and non-greasy oil that closely resembles the skin’s natural sebum. It helps to moisturise and balance the skin, making it suitable for both dry and oily skin types. Jojoba oil forms a protective barrier on the skin, preventing moisture loss.

Rosehip Seed Oil:

Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, rosehip seed oil is deeply moisturising and nourishing. It helps to improve skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, and promote a more even skin tone. This oil is especially beneficial for dry and mature skin.

Argan Oil:

is a luxurious oil known for its high vitamin E and fatty acid content. It deeply hydrates the skin, soothes dryness and irritation, and enhances skin elasticity. It is suitable for all skin types.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum:

Is a humectant that attracts and retains moisture in the skin. Using a hyaluronic acid serum during winter helps to replenish moisture levels, combat dryness, and plump up the skin. It can be used by all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin.

Vitamin C Serums:

are excellent for winter because they provide antioxidant protection against environmental damage and help brighten the complexion. They can also assist in reducing hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure. Vitamin C serums are suitable for most skin types, but those with sensitive skin should opt for a milder formulation.

Yours in skin

Dr Alek Nikolic and the SkinMiles Team

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